Integrate GovOS Studio with Velosimo Connectors

No-Code Integration Connectors for GovOS Studio

Velosimo has partnered with GovOS to provide no-code, easy-to-use, off-the-shelf integration connectors built for the business user in Government. Quick to set up so your agency and citizens realize the benefits quickly.

Velosimo integrates GovOS Studio
It's quick and easy to integrate your GovOS Platform

Integrate GovOS Studio at your Agency Today!

Digital Citizen Services, Document Management, Maps, and Utilities Integrations for your Agency

Our growing collection of no-code integrations for GovOS Studio include major technologies in Digital Citizen Services, Electronic Document Management, Maps, and Utilities,  with more to come.

Learn more about Velosimo no-code Integrations for GovOS

Click the cards below for details and demo recordings
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